Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: 994-1955 Blexander SPK L Restart server after capturing crash inform tion Debug breakpoint treated as server crash Loaded Conpress crash file Novell format crash Flie outraty Loaded Outphatically repair, yolune. if needed Server:crash captare noticet Edna has captured x server crasht Eaux has saved the crash information files in directory! SYS EDNA> 101796 B Examine the crash files in Hindous with Filha's meluair prosten Hit may may to cancel this notice and continue 11:83:02 10 17 96 Dexter Loaded - stack backtrace0 cport what? 11 :02:58 18 17 96 Edna active on server NH1 11 :02:53 10 17 96 copying SYS FINA EDNA -LOG. 11:02-53 10:17 96 copying STS SYSTEM ALEXSPS ECHA CFU 11:02:53. 18 17.96 unable to op " SYS_ DEXTER LOC 11-02 :53 10 17 96 copying SYS: DEXTER LOGY Figure 1. The EDNA crash file opening screen shows a summary of the crash (configuration and cause) and leads via its icons and menu items to all of the detailed examination screens.